Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How To Have Awesome Tinder Dates: Advice To GIRLS from a guy who cares

I’ve been on lots of Tinder dates (with girls). Many of those girls I’ve ended up becoming friends with. This and the fact that I like to think of myself as a decent sort of person has led me to care about the girls I’ve gone out with, and notice that many of them go on a lot of unnecessarily shitty dates. At worst they end up having sex with guys they wish they hadn’t, or at “best” in very awkward dating situations feeling unsatisfied or misled.

Fortunately with just three changes to they way you deal with the guys you talk to all of this can be pretty easily avoided.

1. Using Tinder girls often end up on “awkward dates”. They texted with the guy and found him charming, but in person there’s just no chemistry. Solution to solving this problem: Have a quick Skype or Google chat (whatever video chat app you use) before you meet. This can save you a lot of time! Once you decide you might want to meet a guy (you can create a “fake account” if you feel the need to so as to not use your real identity) say to him “Hey, you seem cool. I’m up for tea/drink/coffee, but I always like to meet on “Skype” for a second before I go on a date with a stranger. I’m running out the door, but I’ve just got 5min. Here’s my Skype: username.” Then you both jump on Skype, after 5min you say you need to run. From there you can asses as to whether you actually want to go on a date with the guy. It will only have cost you 5min of your life from the comfort of your own home, and any guy who’s not willing to do this isn’t worth going on a date with anyway. Most guys will really appreciate and respect you for this. I know I would. 

2. Girls end up getting somewhat “raped” …I say somewhat because it’s not totally against their will, but it’s with a lot of reluctance. Usually this happens because they either met at the guys place or because the guy came directly to theirs. Now if you just wanna f*ck (which maybe you decided you wanted after the Skype date) then that’s fine. But if you meet at a guys place or he comes directly to yours then to a guy you’ve made an unspoken agreement to have sex. And a guy WILL be disappointed or at least confused if you don’t want to in such a situation. So don’t EVER meet directly at a guys place or yours if your plan is not to have sex. Now you know.

3. The most common mis-matched (pun-intended) is that the girl and guy who meet have very different expectations or interest in what might become of their relationship. The girl wants a relationship, and the guy just wants to f*ck. Or maybe the girl is also game for a casual f*ck, but would rather have that be something that naturally and slowly progresses rather than happens on the first date. With one simple phrase you can weed out every “I just want to fuck you on the first date, leave you unsatisfied, and never see you again” guy you might otherwise be putting yourself in a compromising position with. Somewhere towards the beginning of a chat with a match say (just copy and past the following phrase) “fyi: I’m not a prude, but my policy is I don’t sleep with a guy until after I’m in monogamous committed relationship with them”. Every guy who’s not interested in a possible relationship will immediately move on at the sound of those words. Of course you can always sleep with the guy sooner if you want to, but it’ll drastically weed out all the “one night stand only” guys you might’ve otherwise gone on a date and wasted your time with. …Prepare to be “unmatched” a lot after using this line, haha. 

If you have a question about any other situation or trouble you’ve been facing while “online dating” leave a comment below, and I’ll reply with my thoughts on the best solution for you. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

5 Things I Wish I Knew In High School

5 Things I Wish I Knew In High School

1. Not one girl that I had a crush on when I was kid do I still find attractive. So don't worry whether the pretty girls like you or not until after high school because the girls who are gorgeous when they're young (high school) are usually at their peak. I’ve seen a few exceptions, but they’re rare. As a bonus 1.5 …hang out with “the smart kids and/or ambitious kids” …they usually make the best long-term friends.

2. Exercise, and eat healthy food. It will make you happier, more attractive, and give you tons of longterm and short-term health benefits. 

3. When it comes to your career don't listen to your parents …listen to your heart. Your parents will want what is SAFEST for you, not what is best for you. I actually wish I’d never gone to any school beyond elementary. It’s the single biggest waste of time during the most valuable years of your life. Learn like crazy. Read books, find mentors, & learn skills. I will not suggest to my children that they go to school. I’m going to home school them and teach valuable wisdom and skills that excite them. People remember very little that doesn’t excite them or that they can’t immediately apply. 

4. Learn as many languages as possible. The majority of what you learn in school will be useless the minute you leave school, but the language skills you acquire will transform your life. If that doesn't sound convincing enough then answer this …do you like Spanish boys, do you like Japanese girls? …etc. Well very few of those people can speak English, but if you speak their language they will suddenly appear on your dating food chain. Winning!

5. Become good at something artistic. You don't have to learn to be a great rock guitarist to impress girls or to find self-fulfillment, but having something like playing the harmonica, the beat box, painting, dancing or anything that you do well and can easily practice. It will make you both a more attractive and happier person.